It's great that you're looking to find out more about New Life Church Bristol. We trust that as you browse this site you will learn more about what type of church we are, and most importantly discover our heart's desire to please God in every way.
We are a church who are committed to loving and serving God as we outwork His Word through the power of the Holy Spirit. We enjoy lively times of worship, prayer, prophetic ministry and strong teaching. Our meetings are often unpredictable as we seek to be led by the Holy Spirit rather than follow our own agendas. We have a strong family culture and welcome people from all walks of life. Whether you are young, old, married or single, you can be sure to experience God's love expressed through one another as we seek to live out the words of Jesus where he says: "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
We must remember though that receiving God's love into our lives comes with a responsibility to obey Him. Our meetings can be very challenging as God's uncompromising Word is preached. God wants us to put Him first in all areas of our lives and when this impinges on our own desires, then the spirit and the flesh collide. Our heart for everyone who comes to nlc, is that our love for God grows so strong that our lives become "living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is our spiritual act of worship". It's not about meetings, rules and regulations; it's about our intimate walk with Jesus; it's about knowing Him and being known by Him. It's about living our lives in the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit.
At nlc you'll find that we all live pretty normal lives. We have nurses, teachers, accountants, cleaners, students, carers to name but a few. And one thing we all have in common: we love food - lots of it. We have regular church lunches and are never slow to find any and every opportunity to enjoy meals together. We have lots of fun. Who said christianity is boring? It's not - "Jesus came that we might have life, life to the full". We want to experience God's blessings not just spiritually, but in everything we do.
Finally, a word to students. We felt God specifically lead us to start a work in Frenchay, close to the UWE. If you are a student looking for a church whilst you're in the middle of your studies, why not come and join us. Statistics for the number of christian students who go to university and then walk away from God are very alarming. We don't want you to become one of those statistics. We want to look after you and help you grow into the man or woman of God that He has called you to be.
If you want to know more about New Life Church Bristol, then please contact us at: