I would like to share with you my first experience of my trip to Zambia. I am not a seasoned traveller and the whole experience was a really adventure for me but something God had put on my heart to do this year. The words at my baptism were to be bold for God, he will be with me, God will complete the good work he has started in me. During the trip I really held onto his word and through faith and trusting in God I deepen my intimacy and relationship with him. Since this was my first trip I was never sure quite what was going to happen next and I often needed to push beyond my own comfort levels to respond to the overwhelming affection that people showed as they welcomed us.
Like many of you I had seen pictures, videos and heard experiences of others who had visited Zambia, the Church and the school. But seeing and experiencing it with all your senses is another thing. You begin to understand the way of life, the culture, the environment and the challenges that Zambian people face on a daily basis. It is often hand to mouth in terms of where is the next meal coming from. This experience is priceless in being able to work with God in supporting these people and communities going forward.
The people are wonderful and so welcoming, generous and joyful, wherever we went we were given gifts and honoured through the way they received us. We were all given special seats at the front and at the first meeting I was shown to mine which had the title Mama Sue! They give out of the little they have which is such a lesson for us all and is very humbling and overwhelming. They are also so thankful for what we have given them through the financial support we provide, this work would not be there with out us and is such a great testimony to the other church leaders in Solwezi and Lusaka and also to the surrounding Community.
Pastor Evans would often comment on the sacrifice that we make in terms of coming to spend time with them in Zambia but the true sacrifice is the commitment that they give to their church and the support they provide to people.
Spending a day in the school was brilliant. A lot of their teaching is to repeat altogether what the teacher has said and with all four classes using the church building you can imagine how loud it was.
Shopping for gifts for 51 Children was interesting and caused a major headache at the checkout. It is great to give these kids something special and bless their families as well with food.
The conference was a huge blessing to all, Rich, Dave and Evans powerfully brought God's word and we saw many give their lives or recommit themselves to God and come forward for healing. All the words that were preached just built on each other and ending one of the final meetings in silence was very powerful and not the usually practice. The worship and the way they rocked to it was brilliant. We were poor imitators.
Some of the challenges of the trip included:
There were a lot of lighter moments as well which included:
On a more serious note, it is great when God confirms what you are doing is right, so the last thing I wrote on my preach before leaving the UK was Psalm 16:11 - "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." When I arrived at the church they had this write on their wall!
For a small church we have a huge influence in Zambia and make a difference in many people's lives so always ask if you want to know more about our work to ensure that we keep you up to date.
Sue Hall
5 November 2017