Studying at university can be some of the most formative years of your life. It's where you start to stand on your own two feet and make important life decisions. For many of you it will be the launch pad for your career, and you may even meet your future husband or wife. Apart from the stress of exams your time will be packed with fun, no doubt enjoying a vibrant social life and the freedom to determine your own destiny.
However, for young Christians university is often the place where your faith is tested far beyond that which you will have likely experienced so far. With so many distractions around you and the need to feel accepted by your peer group joining in with the things they do, your relationship with Jesus can start to get squeezed out. Attending church becomes a low priority and before you know it months go by without even picking up your Bible or finding a quiet place to pray. But it doesn't need to be this way.
We believe that God has brought nlc to Frenchay in order to provide an environment for young Christians to thrive during their time at university and to defy those statistics that suggest only a handful of students will maintain a strong faith. We want to provide you a place where you learn to hear God more clearly for yourself so that the life decisions you make will be governed by the leading of the Holy Spirit, setting you on a course that is truly God inspired and owned. We also want to stand with you when things get tough, and rejoice with you in your successes.
Of course, it's not just your spiritual needs we want to support you in. Most of us at nlc can remember what student life is like and how important good food is. We will be holding regular Sunday evening informal get togethers where we can chill out over a pizza and nachos and talk about the things that matter to you most. These will be times where we can all share together our excitements and also our challenges, a time where we can pray for each other and see God perform miracles in our lives.
Situated just 2 miles from the main UWE campus, we're only a walk away. If you prefer to catch a bus, then click here for instructions on which bus to catch.
If you want to know more about our student work at nlc then please contact us at: or visit our stall at this year's freshers fair.