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Incarnation and the Trinity Preacher: John Duce, on 08/12/2024, duration: 0:09 As part of our special advent services which are being led by our various church small groups, this week John Duce shares about the importance of the whole trinity being involved in the incarnation - Jesus Christ coming down from heaven to dwell amongst us. |
The Supremacy of Christ Preacher: Luke Goodway, on 24/11/2024, duration: 0:36 This week we enjoyed a joint meeting with Waterbrook Church. Luke Goodway shared from Colossians 1 talking about the supremacy of Christ. Jesus Christ needs to be our Lord not just in church, but in every aspect of our lives - home, work, social... How much do we compartmentalise our lives to what does and does not come under his lordship? |
Moses Part 18 - Jericho Preacher: Richard Brown, on 17/11/2024, duration: 0:39 We reach the conclusion of our journey with Moses and the children of Israel, as the walls of Jericho come down. The armies marched around the walls in silence, with just the sound of the trumpets. It was the final SHOUT of faith that brought the walls down, and opened up their future. Are there walls in our lives that need to be brought down? We need to learn to find that quiet place where God can fill us with his word and his promises. As we listen, so our faith will rise and we too can shout victory to bring these walls down. Play Audio | Download Audio   | View Notes | Download Notes |
Moses Part 17 - Rahab Preacher: Richard Brown, on 10/11/2024, duration: 0:29 As our journey with Moses and the Children of Israel approaches its conclusion, we read in Joshua 2 the wonderful story about Rahab. In the midst of God's big plan to save his people, suddenly we're focusing on one person, a Canaanite women caught in sin. Yet God sees her faith, saves her and her family and later Rahab marries and becomes the great great grandmother of King David and part of the birth line of Jesus. In God's plan to save the world, he sees us too. Play Audio | Download Audio   | View Notes | Download Notes |
Expect a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit in prayer Preacher: Rob Scott-Cook, on 20/10/2024, duration: 0:44 It is wonderful to welcome back Rob Scott-Cook from Woodlands to share with us. Rob has an amazing prayer life, and he shares with us from Romans 8:26-27 how we should pray, what we should be praying for and how the Holy Spirit helps us in our prayers. He shares with us his vision of a new generation rising up with a hunger for God. |